Is Nepal safe to Travel
Is Nepal safe to Travel ? Now Nepal is the safe destination for travelers. It is not only safe for travel but also fun, amazing, cultural heritage tours and incredibly beautiful as well as stunning Himalayan sceneries. If someone ask about safety concern to travel to Nepal, Certainly Nepal is safe travel destination since all the major tourist area are policed . Nepal police also have separate tourist police who are always ready to help the tourist when if situation arise.
As of January 2009 the mutual relationship of the political party create the stable peace in Nepal. Over the last ten years Nepal has experienced problems with infighting between the government and the Maoists due to conflicting ideas and political disagreement. Though it’s a fact that cannot be hidden that people got killed during this conflict, there is no record of any tourists or travelers being injured, killed or involved in anyway. All people in Nepal have a strong belief that guests are equal to god, every Nepal abides by this and offers the warmest of welcomes to all visitors into Nepal.
As of September 2007, there has been a cease fire and peace agreement made between the parties involved. This peace has been upheld, or though there have been a few minor hiccups along the way. People should be aware that Nepal is a developing country and sometimes things do get out of hand. A lot of the bad press Nepal receives is unjustified media hype.
Overall, traveling to Nepal contains no more risk than traveling in other places of the world, in fact as a traveler you are much safer in Nepal than in some European countries and South American places as the threat of, kidnap, pick pocket, robbery, rape etc is almost no existent. All the major tourist areas of Nepal are policed and patrolled and we have are own branch of the tourist police to assist travelers and keep them safe should a situation arise. As with any safety, precaution is the first rule. Though we are confident that while in Nepal you will not have any problems, there as some basic things you can do to stay safe. Avoid being near demonstrations, return to your hotel early in the evening if you can, do not carry expensive gadgets when traveling, avoid wearing jewelries and other extravagant wears, use a guide from a trusted travel agent or tour operator, do not talk openly about politics, about the Maoists while you in public places - After all, all you should be talking about is beautiful Nepal and the amazing adventure you are having here. The above advice is good common sense you should undertake while traveling in any country. Since Himalaya Journey Treks and expedition is an established adventure company offers safety adventure travel for our valued clients from all over the world and no one has injured while make adventure package through our organization and 100% safety record.